Bobby – A Short Story

Here is another story from my Collection of Short Stories.  This one was written for my grandson, who took it to school and shared it with his class. His teacher read it to her students as a way to help foster empathy for one another. Hope you enjoy it!

William Stanley


Once upon a time, in a long-forgotten age, there was a troll named Bobby, who lived under a wooden bridge and who was very unhappy. He had no friends and the children from town would come daily to torment him, throwing rocks and insulting comments his way. The children viewed Bobby as being different because of his appearance, but Bobby was not different, he had the same feelings and emotions other children had.

The children realized this one day when an errant rock, thrown by one of the children, hit Bobby in the head, causing his head to bleed and making him cry. The children felt guilty, realizing they were bullies and offered to help Bobby. After this incident, the children started to talk to Bobby instead of tormenting him. This led the children to understand he really was no different on the inside, he only looked different on the outside. This new realization led to friendships, which was to everyone’s benefit, especially Bobby’s. Because of the children’s new feelings, he now had friends he could call his own, making him a very happy troll.

As children, we tend to stigmatize other children as different if they do not look just like us. It is our duty, as adults, to teach children to be respectful and kind to these individuals they do not understand, creating a happier world for all.

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