Month: September 2024

Month: September 2024

Urban Decay

As infrastructure ages, wood rots and concrete decays. As buildings fall farther into neglect, it is no longer advantageous to continue spending money on repairs. Such structures are abandoned and left to deteriorate in the elements, eventually collapsing to the ground. As time marches on, more homes and buildings will end their lives this way.


The sweet blooms of summer have finished their vibrant displays and a different kind of beauty will soon take their place, as the weather begins to change. The colours of fall will replace the beautiful flowers which blossomed throughout the summer. As the nights grow longer and the days shorter, the landscape begins to change.


I was once again pleasantly surprised to be offered the opportunity to attend the Indie Author Retreat in Los Angeles in October by my publisher, Archway Publishing. They are paying the registration fee for me to participate in in-depth workshops, networking opportunities, and  attend keynote speeches. This should prove to be an invaluable experience for