The Partridge


A loud flutter of wings broke the silence in the woodland forest. A short, stout bird in stature, a partridge flies a short distance, its wings not designed for long flights. Being a bird, whose preferred habitat is the ground, a short flight was all that was needed to escape its predator.

The male partridge, a resident of the forest, attracts attention with its mating call. Like a thousand drums beating at the same time, the sound echoes through the forest as if being broadcast over a speaker. This sound is created by the bird cupping its wings and beating them rapidly in the air.

This small bird has a ferocious appetite, feeding on berries, insects, small reptiles, and plant matter, an opportunist when it comes to finding food. This beautiful woodland fowl is hunted for its succulent breast meat, not a happy ending for a partridge, but the bird does make a good meal for man.


Saw this partridge while out the other day – not a common sight.

1 Comments on “The Partridge”

  1. It’s a beautiful bird and beautiful story. We should all spend more time appreciating the nature around us.q

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