Fungi in the Forest


When walking nature trails through the hardwood forests of Southeastern Ontario, unusual plants are abundant. Sprouting after a period of rain, a miracle often takes place, allowing species which thrive in moist conditions to be unleashed in the Canadian woods. While some are edible, most are not, but numerous types of fungi live on the forest floor.

Rotting trees are often home to a variety of parasitic or symbiotic organisms. In the fall, when cool damp weather returns to the forest, a potpourri of colour appears. Enjoy this photo gallery of fungi, all taken in the forests of Ontario. They create a dazzling display of odd life in its natural habitat, a beauty to behold, and a gift to man from Mother Nature.


1 Comments on “Fungi in the Forest”

  1. A great variety of fungi! Some types can be challenging to spot because of their size or colours, but you have a keen eye!

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