One of our favorite places to hike is a piece of preciously private land which was donated to the Kawartha Land Trust. Known as Earle Chase Memorial Park, its trails wind through an assortment of ecosystems. On our most recent walk, we travelled through a meadow of long grass, filled with milk weed. This plant is the only place monarch butterflies will lay their eggs. Not long after doing so, a new insect emerges from its chrysalis; a beautiful monarch is born. As we traversed this field, monarchs could be seen flitting from plant to plant, as well as numerous dragonflies and honeybees.

Once leaving the meadow, we walked through a hardwood forest, which was filled with bird song, a delight to our senses, making us feel one with nature. The hidden gem on this particular walk is at the end of the trail, where two weathered Adirondack chairs sit on the shore of Pigeon Lake. This spot allows a private place for hikers to sit while enjoying the surrounding forest.

When we visit this park, we are always thankful this land was preserved for those who want to enjoy nature. It is truly a special place.


1 Comments on “THE HIKING TRAIL”

  1. What a beautiful, serene place! It’s no wonder that you enjoy going there to immerse yourself in nature.

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