A cry went out as the village reeled from the danger it was facing. Human traffickers were raiding isolated communities along the coast of Africa, capturing native men, women, and children, taking them hostage. These people were ripped from the only lives they knew and their culture, handed down for generations, would now be devastated by these slave traders. The prisoners were now human cargo, soon to be sold for money by evil men.

These African people were headed to the New World to be sold at auction like cattle. The age and condition of the slave determined how much money they were worth. Held in horrid conditions, locked in the bottom of large sailing ships, these poor souls were starved, beaten, and deprived of water as they made their way across the ocean. Many of these desperate humans ended up in America, where they were sold as slaves to pick cotton in the south.

The link below will lead you to a story of how these people were treated by a culture they did not understand. The Plantation, is a story about slavery, based on truth, about an abuse which never should have been tolerated or happened.



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