Category: Blog

The Ghost Mine – A Short Story

Today I would like to share a story which can be found in A Collection of Short Stories. I was looking through some photos from our trip out west and it reminded me of The Ghost Mine. I hope you enjoy the story and photos. William Stanley THE GHOST MINE

The Partridge

THE PARTRIDGE A loud flutter of wings broke the silence in the woodland forest. A short, stout bird in stature, a partridge flies a short distance, its wings not designed for long flights. Being a bird, whose preferred habitat is the ground, a short flight was all that was needed to escape its predator. The

Chip Trucks

CHIP TRUCKS OF ONTARIO Chip trucks dot the countryside and small towns in Southeastern Ontario, these creative food stands serving fresh cut potatoes made into French fries. Served with gravy and with a shot of malt vinegar, they are a delicious treat. Also served at these food venues is poutine, a dish invented by a

The Daisy D

Today we drove by the old Daisy D, the one room schoolhouse I attended as a child.  It is now a lovely home, but still bears the brickwork indicating when it was built and its schoolhouse number. Thought you might enjoy reading some of my memories of the years I spent there. (Click on the

Our Home and Gardens

The beautiful summer weather in Ontario produces a cascade of colors and bountiful gardens. I am an avid gardener and enjoy working outdoors in the flowerbeds and garden. I thought I would share a few photos of the front beds, as well as the thriving tomato plant, which I planted only three weeks ago. Bill

Grizzly Bear

Driving through Alderville, a local reservation, we stopped in at their Trading Post. Heading upstairs to use the restroom, we came across a collection of antiques and other interesting objects for sale. This full-size grizzly bear rug was impressive and looking at this massive predator reminded me of how early trappers and prospectors must have

Queer Market

Walked downtown today to see our friend, Astrid, who was dispslaying her artwork at the Pride event. She is the artist who created the map in my book, After the Gold Rush. Here she is pictured with her friend, Elijah, our son.