Category: Blog

Beautiful Peonies

While writing the eleventh chapter of my new book, Steward’s Journey, I watched these beautiful flowers open before my eyes. The fragrant smell of the peonies tantalize my senses – beautiful! WILLIAM STANLEY

The Egg Farm

Located on Number 7 highway, two kilometers west of the village of Norwood, Ontario, is an egg farm. Known as Telford’s, the business has changed hands over the years, but the name has remained the same. An honour system is still in place in the egg room, a self serve system based on trust. Customers


THE SWAN PLANTERS When I was a young teen living with my parents outside the village of Norwood, Ontario, my father took it upon himself to build beautiful swan planters. He made these creations with concrete poured into a mould. After leaving the cement to dry, the moulds were removed, and the swans were painted.


Thought I would share another picture of the succulent blooming – it is the second bloom, this time with three flowers.  The teapot belonged to my mother and the plants did very well in it. Also, here is the latest short story I completed.  It has a bit of everything – hope you like it!

The Busy Beaver

We went for a walk yesterday on the TransCanada Trail, which took us through a beaver dam.  Couldn’t believe the size of the trees these busy animals had cut down.  Here is a photo and a short story about the beaver’s habitat. Bill THE BEAVER DAM  


The fragant smell of the spring blooms have permeated our home. The ceramic artwork was created by our daughter-in-law, which is enhanced by the beauty of nature. Bill STRANGE MAGIC Here is an updated photo – summer blossoms!

Fiddleheads and Apple Blossoms

From our same walk on the lilac trail, here are a few pictures of fiddleheads. These are the new spring shoots of the ostrich fern, which many consider a Canadian delicacy.  I am also including a picture of an apple blossom, which I wrote about in a previous blog post. Bill