Category: Blog


Thought I would share another picture of the succulent blooming – it is the second bloom, this time with three flowers.  The teapot belonged to my mother and the plants did very well in it. Also, here is the latest short story I completed.  It has a bit of everything – hope you like it!

The Busy Beaver

We went for a walk yesterday on the TransCanada Trail, which took us through a beaver dam.  Couldn’t believe the size of the trees these busy animals had cut down.  Here is a photo and a short story about the beaver’s habitat. Bill THE BEAVER DAM  


The fragant smell of the spring blooms have permeated our home. The ceramic artwork was created by our daughter-in-law, which is enhanced by the beauty of nature. Bill STRANGE MAGIC Here is an updated photo – summer blossoms!

Fiddleheads and Apple Blossoms

From our same walk on the lilac trail, here are a few pictures of fiddleheads. These are the new spring shoots of the ostrich fern, which many consider a Canadian delicacy.  I am also including a picture of an apple blossom, which I wrote about in a previous blog post. Bill


We went for a walk on the Lilac Trail in Warkworth, ON.  Although the lilac bushes are just beginning to bloom, thought I would share some information about them and a few photos.  There is nothing quite like the smell of the blooming lilacs. Bill THE LILAC TRAIL